
HE spoke to me...

I don't know if you'd believe me, but this happened just a few hours ago...

Is it divine intervention? or it is just THAT possible that GOD speaks to us?
and i mean, REALLY speak to us...

fresh from church. i would like to say that this day's Word was very timely.
The Pastor gave a soft introduction for this Sunday's food for the soul, and it was about

"Being strong in the midst of the storm..." (whatta cliche? you might say?)

after hearing a short anecdote for the topic, i quickly grabbed my pen and post-its to jot down vital information and tips i could use to "arm" me in the battle. well, it was nothing new and fancy to tell you quite frankly, every point given was something i've already heard over the years. growing up in church would sometimes give you that feeling that the messages said and uttered just seem to be in a "recycling" pattern, but the impact to one's life varies in a specific time and scenario.

well, i guess, this one hits the spot.

i believe i've mentioned how i'm having qualms and second thoughts about work. and how the environment seemed to add to that troubling feeling. but the bottom line to everything is that, i sort-of have a "lukewarm" status in my personal walk with God. i am not exactly religious, but i'd like to consider myself as someone who is spiritual. I put my personal relationship with my Maker to high regard, and acknowledge that it's a big part of my existence. so i guess, this Sunday's message was a type that gave me a tad stronger pat in the back (and have shaken me from my current status).

i would like to give you those
three points
(because if i won't, we might digress to another topic due my unceasing yappery)

Point 1 Recognize the attack
if things don't seem to go our way. or the scenario have seemingly become f*cked up or what.
we have to acknowledge that it is no longer of God's.
shouldn't tolerate such scenarios and take them as "punishments" or "well-deserved consequences" to our actions. (remember: God's plans are meant to prosper us and not do us harm. Jer 29:11)

before we can become victorious to any hurdle, we must acknowledge that it indeed an obstruction, a hurdle to pass, a problem to solve, a challenge we can win over.

so take note of step one,
RECOGNIZE the attack.

Point 2 Fortify the faith
yes, we say that "testing" times are their to see how far we can stretch our faith in God. how much effort we'd give to persevere because we know that a rainbow comes after every storm.

and yes, we know that it is even easier said than done. Fortifying the faith
doesn't mean mending things as it is already happening. Yes, we have to be strong in the MIDST of the storm, but what exactly did we do to prepare for it?

To fortify means to
Strengthening the faith means building a strong wall around ourselves to shield us.
It entails a whole lot of work and effort, it means devoting our time to prayer and learning about God's Word. This is
not a one-shot deal but a lifestyle that every Christian should grow accustomed to.
A personal struggle if i may add, but i know that it needs to be done for this is for my own good...

step two, is easier said than done,
BUT it can be done... FORTIFY the faith.

Point 3 Get determined
is a rather big word. every success story lies on this 13-letter word.
our efforts would be worthless if we don't have this.
driving force that we should all bear to really have a claim to that certain fame.

how is a
recognized "hurdle" surpassed? through a fortified faith which rests on an individual's determination to become victorious, acknowledging that the battle can't be done on his own but through God's grace.

anyone who doesn't believe in a Supreme being would smirk at that remark. but i am not waning on it.
i am speaking from experience. i have seen how God has worked in my life, over the years.
He was faithful when He said that He'd never leave me. i've learned much from life's lessons, and it has molded me to the person that i am now.

final step, get
the world brings a lot of unending battles, and we can never faze from it.
always acknowledge that we are not alone, "if
God is with us, who can be against us?"
funny how i was reminded of the Word that has been a personal confession since i cannot remember when...
but this sort-of became a "mantra" and i guess, this could never be out of season or what,

" I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST Who gives me strength" Phil 4:13

I guess that's the three-point tip rolled into one, don't you agree?

sidestory: to add to fact that God would never ever leave me, can i just share that...

just as the Pastor was wrapping up with his preaching,
he suddenly approached me and uttered a very timely prayer. He prayed audibly in front of the whole congregation, laying his hand on my shoulder.

I believe that it was God who spoke to Him to minister to me. This was God's way of personally dealing with my scenario. The prayer was about my "bothering thoughts on work". I couldn't remember everything he prayed about coz i was in a state of shock. I never mentioned my blundering thoughts to anyone (not even to my closest friends at work), but i have personally experienced that God really knows what's in our hearts.

All i heard was that
God would bring me to a job that i truly deserve. He sees my heart and knows what I aspire. I remember him mentioning about promotion and growth. Well, nothing was prayed in specific (as to where I'd go or what), but I still felt relieved for I know that God has acknowledged what I'm going through, and He has indeed prepared great plans for me. I was welling in tears as the pastor was praying, and was fervently agreeing to every word he has said.

That prayer was a declaration for my life, and i have received it

It truly is exciting!
I am excited, even if I don't see the clear picture for the moment, but I know that greater things are set for me... All i have to do is fortify my faith in Him, and walk with my God in full determination. Yes, i know that it's never easy, but who ever said that it cannot be surpassed?

Get the word.
God speaks to us. as we continually seek Him. all the days of our lives...

.:0 SpanK Me:.

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