Spread the LOVE

the poster one of my sweeties cooked up.
what: "Yuppies Offer Hope!" a Post-Vday outreach
where: Pediatric Ward at the PGH
when: February 17, Saturday
why: we just got tired of celebrating V-day the typical way.
Spreading love to the most in need was something worth trying:)
how: through resource mobilization, solicitation, and networking... we were able to pool tons of support both in cash and kind. thanks to the countless kind hearts who took part! make our good Lord bless you in heaps.
and yeah, the project was a success! i'm so proud of my sweeties... too bad i wasn't able to join them coz i was stuck in faraway land doing work work work. well, i was with them in spirit, and our superb friend-slash-roommie-slash-honorary familia aguila member and sister, jo-anne was there as my proxy.
(nah. she came coz she wanted to help out! a good heart indeed!)
i just hope i'd be there when they decide to do cycle two. I better be there. better be there!
take a good look at the photos and more photos.
proof of their hard but sweet labor. the families and the kids, most especially, appreciated every effort exerted:D
disclaimer: pictures were taken from loisee and tans... thanks a lot, sweeties>:*<
Labels: outreach
.:0 SpanK Me:.
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