sheer joys.
random acts of kabaliwan and a whole lot more!:)
giddy mement 1
i love love LOVE cheesecake. this is pure bliss to me. babaw, i know.
you now know my weakness, if you want us to be really good friends:)
oh well, the one up there is specifically special. i got that on my 22nd birthday-slash-1st birthday away from home. can i just stress that you couldn't find such a cake THAT easily in faraway land. the most pleasant surprise i received that day. i was at the brink of tears that time...i really felt loved by my colleagues (a shout out to minjela and amelia!) i didn't expect they'd take my joke seriously. thank god for being ms. frank.
"kung di rin lang cheesecake, wag nyo na lang ako bigyan ng kahit anong cake! sayang lang sa pera."
oooh. that was harsh, but it paid off anyway. and yeah, what even made it more special was the fact that my crush made that cake for me. thanks, stu. you are such a sweetie:*
yipeee. double happiness!:)
cutie at the joint. for real?!?
"tara, let's go for a snack. my treat! "
i remember telling that to a girlfriend. she was craving for pizza and i wanted pasta, so we headed to the nearest joint downtown. i wouldn't tell where. haha.
when we got in, i locked eyes with someone who seemed interesting.
could that be true? a cutie right here in the suburbs? no way.
to tell you quite frankly, mukha siyang manila boy.
he was sooo my type: chinito na average lang yung body. i was awestricken.
well, im not the type who would switch to "stalker mode" and take random photos of guys i like. but i guess, i just thought that i wouldn't see someone like him ever again. so i'd have to save a memento. haha.
how pathetic can i sound.
if i were forward, i'd really talk to him and maybe ask for his number. but i'd never have the guts to do such a thing. so, i asked help from a friend. a gay friend. and watch him (err..her) snatch my guy away.
oh wel, tough luck. at least, he stood reallyclose to me when they were talking.
so much for consolation. :/
out of the box
FROM: a friend in manila (no way, this is it? bakit parang ang laki?!?)
that was self talk we had there.
but seriously, i was shocked to see that these things came in a neatly wrapped package.
i was so shocked that i didn't even want to tear it out to see what's inside.
nakakatakot sirain yung wrapper, ang ayos talaga ng pagkabalot.
i almost forgot about the "agreement". all the while, i thought you were busy making those CDs. hmmm.
i've thanked you enough right? i guess it was more than enough already hehe. it was cool of you to actually go through all the trouble:) just goes to show how much you value our friendship! hanep, im deeply touched. seriously.
and oh yeah, these things came with a really heart-warming-slash-funny-but-in-a-cute-way kind of letter. and that made all these even more special. coz it made me realize how little things do wonders to friendship. it was sweet. truly sweet.
awww. thankie:)
giddy mement 2

isa ba akong fan?!?
she's everywhere. no one in this lifetime (well, in our country if i may say so) wouldn't know who she is. you might say i'm such a groupie and it may seem that way. but i'm just amused by her personality. and i never thought we'd get to meet (and actually talk-talk!) in person. she's somewhere in between nice and snob. but she'd talk to you if she thinks you're interesting enough. was i bashing?
we did have a "moment" when we're the only ones talking. and my colleagues thought hearty and i had something in common. but looking back, i think i used the wrong entry point. we should've talked more on her personal relationship with God than cull out on nasty highschool memories. my bad:(
i guess i wasn't being in the moment. huh? zoning, again?
i'm just uber grateful that our org, Plan International, got her to host one of our events. hence this "dream" was realized.
close encounter and its hard evidence. teehee. giddiness:D
giddy mement 3
the nature of my work. bridging the gap
this is what i basically do in faraway land as the Technical Officer on Early Childhood Care and Development (TO-ECCD). well, this and a whole lot more actually.
i'm only a few months short of my first birthday in Plan. never thought i'd survive living in the suburbs. away from civilization, pollution and all. it was indeed an experience. learned a lot of things in such a short span of time. discovered things i thought i could've never done. knew myself more as i mingled with people from different walks of life.
God truly had a plan for my life, and i can say that it was HIM Who gave me the strength to get things through.
it feels good knowing that you are doing you're part. giving your piece in achieving the full potential of every Filipino child. the job was tough, but it certainly is sweet.
hmm. did i sound like i'm running for a position or something? hmmm. politics? it's so not my thing. sorry.
helping people. fulfilling. heart-warming:)
giddy mement 4
life support. cheesy-ness. so what!
i love them. and whoever comes into my life should love them equally:)
that sounded like a prerogative. but yeah, they're a big part of me. quirky people but they'll love you (if and only if, they know that you're for real. hehe.). don't you worry. (huh? weird mode, middy?)
i'm a family-type of person. i value the bond and everything that goes with it. the same goes with the few friends i keep. people whom i label with teenie "special" tags are like treasures to me. i'd go leaps and bounds for them. coz i know that they'd do the same. totoo talaga yan! tried and tested na ata:D
if you see the "tag" around your neck. i'm with you... til the end.
was that a rhyme? icky. bleh:p
.:1 SpanK Me:.
Unbelievable... That's all I can say. Is that really you? Speaking before a crowd of people? I never would have thought! Girl, this just goes to show that we never know how God will use us and mold us for his glory. I can't wait to hear more about what you do. Keep it up! I'm sure you're doing absolutely great at your job. *mwah*
mari_elle, at 9:49 AM
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