
clap clap

proby days are over.

i was there seated inside the glass room. my superior and i were rummaging through my accomplishments. constructive criticisms. words of advice. and an expected splice in that prayer.

i passed!
ayos. here's to another six months into this new world.

then we'll see.

yay! Lord, thanks for the fruitful first six.
guide me in the next half

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why do i feel sullen?

light-headed. shaken.
dead tired.
as if i fought a thousand battles.

energy sapped out of my system.
felt sorry, apparently for myself.
looked at "things" differently.

things seemed berserk nowadays.
berserk. in a melancholic way.

nah, must be the aftermath of yesterday's divi-day.

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toss and turn

feeling troubled :/

is my life in a blur?

a ghost from the past made its presence felt.

current "events" in this new world are hazy. shady even.
you know something they don't. a secret feared to be told.

future is distant. elusive yet gripping.
anxiety attacks.

"Lord, i know you have a Grand Scheme.
Help me stick by it. when will things be clear?"

aack. you just let a day slip... just like that.
what a waste.

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can you handle it? can you? CAN YOU?!?

well, I CAN! (full proof right below! oh yes, classic!)
call me risk-taker. call me daredevil.
but never a wimp. chicken? nope. ne-ver.
i can take on whatever challenge is right before my face.

balut? uuuh. paassssss.

today, on a glorious friday, my friends in our special room went on a whim.
a few minutes before lunchtime. to eat balut! yup, the infamous balut.
(FYI: Balut is a popular Filipino street snack and is essentially a duck egg with a fetus inside, typically between seventeen to twenty days in gestation.)

my special friends prodded and prodded. called me names. (nah, didn't go that far)
then i finally caved in! (Oh good Lord.)

twas a first. a milestone. could qualify as that. (di ka Pinoy if you haven't tried one!)

with much (dis)gusto, i mustered the courage to take a bite. thrust it down my throat.
eyes tightly closed. fighting the urge to purge.

i almost cried. (exaggerated). cried out a victor!
woot! woot! beat that?
i'm sure my folks are damn proud of me.

care for another round of the B?
ummm. kayo na lang.

disclaimer: i'm done with durian. graduate nako sa balut. come on, keep it coming!
let's make a list of 100 foodums to eat before you die. tara!
bring it on!!!

another disclaimer: pardon our speech. we talk like that in our special place. you copy?

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wreaked havoc

clock said it's past 5pm, almost 6. time for you to go.
got up and fixed your things. like a usual, after office routine.
head out to the door. talking nonsense to an officemate.
talked about bags, usual girly stuff.

then you saw a familiar face. your eyes met.
heaved a heavy sigh. it was all in your head.
fortunate coincidence? was it one?
tried to act nonchalant.
held your umbrella. as if preparing for battle.
soft drizzles were out.

crossed the street. to take the jeep.
was standing on the curb ahead of you.
oblivion. traveling alone.
awkward silence. two-person distance.
(his) obvious effort to make conversation.
(your) abrupt replies. long moments of silence.

where have all the jeepneys gone?
insanely long hours of waiting for one.
atmosphere tense. acted as if estranged.
heard something. someone. calling you out.
looked around. looked ahead. onlookers.

"nosy people". watching your every move.
entertaining? made-up stories. plot thickens. in their heads.
don't stress. let things be. why are you acting antsy?
thank God a jeep arrived. head out for the front seat.
was it a wrong move? twas a better one, a safer option.

veered from plausible intrigues. though harmless ones.
it's been days since the encounter. moments (still) recanted on hours end.
entertaining? at first it was. bothering? a little more on this end.
must resist analyzing. must resist guilt-tripping. must resist.
it was a coincidence after all. no biggie right there.

over thinking. you're curved to do that.
chill. breathe. shake thoughts out. clear your head.
go with the "flow"? let them be.
do checkpoints. know where you stand.

wreaking havoc? recipe for disaster? don't go there.
don't you ever learn? just stay where you are.
stay. there.

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chasing pavements.

Should I give up,
Or should I just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If I knew my place should I leave it there?
Should I give up,
Or should I just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere...

(c) adele. chasing pavements. universal music ltd.

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60-60: a soul revolution

coming home from day one at the Global Leadership Summit.
i believe God has been nudging my spirit. stay connected.
the very same message that's been ringing my ears for as long as i can remember.

keep a constant connection. sounds simple, but tough in execution.
it has been a personal struggle. but i knew right deep inside me that i should step up, and do it.
and God knew I can't do it alone. He called the family to take on the challenge. Yup, all five of us.

And so we marked this day, the 10th of November, as a beginning of something different. A revolution that can induce change. change that is beyond our human strength. A Soul Revolution that could transform us, as long as we stay on the ride. stay connected to the vine.
the 60-60 challenge.
staying in tune with God. every hour of the day. for 60 full days. keeping constant communication with our Maker, even if it's about the most mundane.
it's like doing checkpoints with God, every 60 minutes. and see, experience a change brought about by it.

sounds boring? corny? uneventful? or downright tacky???
well, it won't hurt if you'd try. i'm stepping up to see for myself.
(check out evidences from this blog: go ahead, click it. soulrevolution)

i'm excited. ^^ we're excited...

disdainful deja vu: fact or fiction

the party of five
called out for a different cheap trip.
(and the other one took this photo)

yes, we got tired of those pricey spots in makati. (a lame excuse for not having enough dough and energy to step out of the village).

we settled for the local scene. thought that too much "sex" would jack up our blood pressures to the ceiling. how about we go back to the pretentious, ludicrously-priced, foreign-sounding kapihan? oh, and that "central" place have been the spot for far too many people... that we decided to take the road less-traveled and headed the other way for a checkpoint.

we thought that the coveted spot catered to an older demographic. we literally felt out-of-place. the terminal's fluidity started too feel too thick that air wasn't quite right for our robust lungs. must breathe. stepped out and saw what we were looking for...

a checkpoint!
who would have thought we had that same soundtrip, chillax spot within the better turf? a stead
y place for good friends to wile their time... was just right under our noses. cozy spot, and steady meals. we were starting to like the place.

but wait, there's more! the likes of urbandub, up dharma down, sinosikat?, itchyworms allegedly played and made a scene right at this very spot. whoa, whoa, whoa. isn't that cool?!? cool.

don't get things so pumped up. famed ones get seen, but "rookies" get their taste as well.

and on our first night at that checkpoint, just as our eyes were glazed with this te
enie discovery. things started to get cloudy. the party of five in unison, exclaimed, "are we seeing what we're seeing?!?" we had a double-take on our vision, "could this be real?!?" it's like the dream balloon was popped by a nasty needle. man, we're off for some ride that night. a total nightmare.

we kept on praying that our ears won't bleed as they played. thought that it was a funny and freaky coincidence. that maybe God was telling us to straighten our act. have we been bad to the bones that we're being punished? but still we felt (He was) gracious, they didn't play as loud. or the sound mechanic tinkered with the system a tad bit? felt that they weren't as inspired. thank God. super thank God. sigh.

hmmm. if not for them, and the other glamrock band. we would've given this chillspot a whooping five. but hey, we give second chances. let's just do a raincheck the
second time, right, party of five?

care to join us. i tell you, th
e place is promising. wink wink.
