
can you handle it? can you? CAN YOU?!?

well, I CAN! (full proof right below! oh yes, classic!)
call me risk-taker. call me daredevil.
but never a wimp. chicken? nope. ne-ver.
i can take on whatever challenge is right before my face.

balut? uuuh. paassssss.

today, on a glorious friday, my friends in our special room went on a whim.
a few minutes before lunchtime. to eat balut! yup, the infamous balut.
(FYI: Balut is a popular Filipino street snack and is essentially a duck egg with a fetus inside, typically between seventeen to twenty days in gestation.)

my special friends prodded and prodded. called me names. (nah, didn't go that far)
then i finally caved in! (Oh good Lord.)

twas a first. a milestone. could qualify as that. (di ka Pinoy if you haven't tried one!)

with much (dis)gusto, i mustered the courage to take a bite. thrust it down my throat.
eyes tightly closed. fighting the urge to purge.

i almost cried. (exaggerated). cried out a victor!
woot! woot! beat that?
i'm sure my folks are damn proud of me.

care for another round of the B?
ummm. kayo na lang.

disclaimer: i'm done with durian. graduate nako sa balut. come on, keep it coming!
let's make a list of 100 foodums to eat before you die. tara!
bring it on!!!

another disclaimer: pardon our speech. we talk like that in our special place. you copy?

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