lazy day(s)
but i feel so uninspired.
is it the weather?
or i'm such a sloth.
it's been days.
Labels: "work"
child at heart. midsywidsy spider. enviro-advocate. world changer(?)
seeker of truth, wisdom, and knowledge. audiophile et semicineaste. thrill-seeker.
familia aguila till eternity
certified iska...UP-Diliman
lover of life, even the shiiit that comes with it! life's a beauty...
OPTIMISM is the key...
frosted ice queen. sane-psycho???
east asian aficionado. "contrabidang atribida". THE princess of sap. cynical biatch. pseudo-shopaholic. OC queen
prissy at times. boyfreak= boys freak! "hopeless romantic" wannabe.
brainiac. pragmatic. nerd at heart (and mind). melancholic-contemplative-dreamer
perennially in search of my one and only TRENT...
"sugar" and SPICE.
i'm NOT everything nice...
never ever mess with the b*tchy me
disclaimer: Things said, written, and heard could not be taken against the author. This is her outlet for brainfarts, delusions, cattiness, contemplations, aspirations, and what not.
An open-mind is a prerogative otherwise, go and live your own life!
note to reader: Fight POVERTY, educate NOW! Come on, do the math.
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