twas thisclose
it all started with this piece of drawing.

and things blew into unknown proportions...

it's weird how you're stuck right in the middle of a sticky sitch.
between your dear sister and a dearest friend...
you spoke your mind. thought about it for the umpteenth time.
but right beneath you, you know that it was the right thing to do.
and so you did it. and it reaped a whole bunch of unforeseen consequences.
it was more than you can chew. but it'd eat you up if you kept mum.
bothered for days. weeks even. and then you tried for a resolve.
tearful explanations of this and that. played 'damned' scenarios in your head.
thought of the worst case, heck, it can't be done. no way.
BUT thankful that things turned up, as everything was divulged.
was it worth it? at least you know, that what you have is real.
tested through fire. a gem of a friendship was catalyzed.
for what it's worth. i am deeply sorry, but you know that i just did what i had to do.
note: this was a done deal. things are waaaay beyond us. we're the 'bestest' of friends. and we definitely proved that. hug!
one more note: even when you say, it's business... it's hard to do it with friends. involved parties should always deem to be the bigger man, willing to understand so as not to hamper your friendship, on top of everything. that's what matters, come sundown. :)
Labels: famille, la vie, on friendships
.:0 SpanK Me:.
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