it is written
no one... nothing can take it away from you."

harsh (life's) realities. sordid dispositions.
effed up situations. traumatic flashbacks.
... seemed like you're losing ground.
spark of hope. fight for your right.
stand your ground. believe.
... things would come around.
life may be a series of unfortunate events.
a puddle of "mud". sinking sand. no way out.
but press on, HE knows what's ahead of us.
a quirky little surprise, right before our very eyes.
believe. (D:) IT IS WRITTEN.
indeed, "God is great!" - salim k. malik
Yeah. yeah. yeah. it's a happy ending after all.
but it's a great film altogether. come on, i know you liked it! ^^
(i heart heart heart HEART HEART our weekend dvd trips!!!)
Labels: blunder, movie trip, slumdog millionaire
.:0 SpanK Me:.
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