


today... i do not know exactly what im feelin... i spent some minutes with this guy... and im not really sure if i like him.. i mean, he's nice and funny... and he is sooo my type... well, u might find it 'mababaw' but i felt happy when he touched my hand.. and softly patted my hair... that left me wondering.. and so i thought.. am i starting to have a crush on him????

well.. that's the reason for my confusion... it's nice to have crushes... well, i have tons of them actually... but they were mostly from TV shows or movies i've seen.. it's been a long time since i had a crush on someone i actually interact with... i do not know whether to push these feelings through.. hmmm... i guess i'll just let it grow freely... let's see where this would take me..

.:0 SpanK Me:.

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