in the spirit of (much) vanity
well, if you keep track of my whatnots, this would seem a tad familiar.
yup, the early part of this year, i sorta posted options for my new haircut.
and so i headed to toandj, and tried their services out of sheer curiosity.
i was giddy. giddy-excited. i've always wanted to try new things, and hair-o-glyphics is definitely part of the list. and so there i was, waiting for my turn. thank God twing tagged along, i wouldn't survive the jitters if not for her. imagine, sitting there for more than an hour just so you could get your hair nipped. gah, so much for "vanity".
i was secretly practicing what to say. well, 'cos apparently, the stylist is pure korean and i wouldn't want things to get lost in translation. haha. OC-much, i know. i brought photos just so i could explain myself better.
and there he was, examining my hair. its strand, bounce factor and whatnot. oh, and he was sorta perplexed. apparently, he couldn't understand why i'm opting for the "natural look" when everyone around me was battling for stick-straight hair. i even remember him saying "all curly?" and i proudly said, a big, fat "YES!"
oh, he strongly recommended one of my top3 options. i was so elated. i can feel my cheekbones rising. haha.

(fyi: i actually wanted (1) nicole richie's hairstyle. (2) ze style he chose. (3) that kor-look, lower left corner)
i sat on the beauty chair, awe-stricken. wow, so much for edward scissorhands-ish talent.
i literally saw parts of my hair fly off, as he speedily goes through them, part by part.
i couldn't wait to see the results. anticipation got the best of me, after a quick 15-minute snip showdown, my hair was done! i couldn't be more happier (more na, happier pa!).
i got the cut i want at a much lower price (yup, thanks to the Christmas season, they had salon promos^^)
mission accomplished! i left toandj with a big smile on my (pretty) face. ha-ha! a satisfied customer?
DEFINITELY! i think i've found home.
oh here's the result (pardon my camwhore merments).

can i just say, it's been three months since i had that cut, and i'm still loving my hair... very much! weeeee^^
Labels: la vie, tony and jackey
.:0 SpanK Me:.
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