
C'EST LA VIE: fifteen days and counting...

Bum-ber days and beyond...

this is the life
. for now.
i'm spending my 15th day or about a couple of weeks++ of bumhood.
(FYI: got out of work last March 9th.)

yup, i said bye-bye to my hectic days at work, been at it for 2 years and plus plus months. and HELLLOOO to infinite hours of sleep. maxing my waking hours... "productively". how? hmmm. (1) by turning my brain into mush: spending endless hours on dvd marathon, and/or (2) catching up with series i've missed, alternating it with (3) meaningful time spent by hitting the books for my "literary" thirst. AND IF THAT'S NOT ENOUGH. i've pretty much (4) ate to my heart's content. (hello, weight gain?!? ohgahd, no!).... so much for "reflecting-slash-soul-searching" right there. yes, i so know what's running in your silly minds. i would definitely get my act together. just give me this month-long indulgence to keep my sanity. i'm sure you'd say, "she definitely needs this breather" if you know what i've been through. (overworked is an understatement.)

i'm so loving this.. and that's what counts come sundown...

and if it doesn't get any better. my fab bum-ber days are shared with "numerous" eaglets right there. nothing beats sweet time with mi familia! talk about purrr-fect timing. ^^

and yes, we're sort of rekindling our then-summer days. when we used to lounge at each other's houses. ransack the fridge of whatevers-left. talk endlessly about anything-under-the-sun. critique on the nitty-gritty details of our "favorite shows". then bade adieu. only to find ourselves do the same things the next day. and days after that...

simple as things are. i'm grateful that i'm given the chance to savor such a sweet time. and i thank God that He gave room for me to cope with QTT with my fab family. yes, i know how it feels to be a bum (right about now).. and it does seem so liberating. but this is so not going to be a permanent thing for me. promise.

creds: photos and the stories behind 'em.
above-> babysis, me, and mai sharing scoops of strawberry ice cream from tekie's stint. (yes, it's blurry)
then-> "sisters" living the life. we've never been this complete in ages! waiting for the "house" re-run. mai. babysis. midsy. lai. and tekie (poses?)

shoutouts to:
boinky, who shows up every now and then.
mikky, welcome to the club! taking the breather before medschool. ayos:D
boo and pampy for showing up once. do more than one okay?
so where in the world is... ram? (still in school? probably. or is just so stuck at home.)
do you guys still remember kakay? who the hell is she? oh snap, WHERE the hell is she pala?!?
how about our boys?

i heart my cousins... to pieces :*

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consider myself a traveler...
yes, i know i haven't fulfilled much on trailing the world. but i've had a handful of experiences as reference.

i thirst for interaction.
and i don't mean, mainstreaming.
i search for something simpler yet more meaningful. and in a sense, enriching.

"a true traveler is defined by connections made... knowing the place beyond the surface. being one with the culture... even for just a day."

... i yearn to traverse the world with soul.